Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Celebrants Online is now on Twitter

Celebrants Online has finally set up a Twitter account. Check it out here. The aim will be to tweet a mix of items, some of interest to Marriage Celebrants and others of interest to couples thinking about or planning their wedding. We'll see how it goes ...

Monday, 21 June 2010

Marriage Celebrant over-supply?

A recent article in the The Age newspaper raises the question of the over-supply of Marriage Celebrants to the market.

The article highlights some of the potential pitfalls for marrying couples in regards to selecting a suitable celebrant to perform their wedding ceremony.

With over 10,000 Marriage Celebrants offering their services across Australia, and almost 1/4 of those in Victoria, the choice for marrying couples now seems overwhelming.

So, how to choose a Marriage Celebrant?

There's no definitive answer ... suffice to say, price alone is definitely NOT it. You often read or hear, "You get what you pay for." That generally is the case with Celebrant services as it is with buying a car, or a stereo system or a house.

A few things to think about:
  • experience
  • qualifications
  • reputation
  • resources made available to you
  • physical resources available for use at your ceremony
  • quality of voice
  • physical presentation
  • time made available to you
  • and then ... price
This is hardly an exhaustive list. If a marrying couple does their research, just as they do when choosing a cake, cars, venue and flowers, then they'll be in the best position to make a wise choice.